Cardinia vs. Neo Cardinia Shrimp: Understanding the Differences and Care Requirements"

#CardiniaShrimp, AquariumCare, AquaticInvertebrates, FreshwaterShrimp, NeoCardiniaShrimp -

Cardinia vs. Neo Cardinia Shrimp: Understanding the Differences and Care Requirements"

Are you thinking about adding some freshwater shrimp to your aquarium? If so, you might be wondering about the differences between Cardinia shrimp and Neo Cardinia shrimp. While both types of shrimp are popular in the aquarium hobby, they have different care requirements and may be better suited for different types of aquarium setups.

Cardinia shrimp are a more sensitive and demanding species of shrimp, requiring specific water parameters and a well-established and stable aquarium. They prefer soft and acidic water, with a pH range of 6.0-6.8 and a temperature range of 68-78 degrees Fahrenheit. They also need a varied diet and are more prone to stress than their Neo Cardinia counterparts.

On the other hand, Neo Cardinia shrimp are hardier and more adaptable to a wider range of water parameters. They can tolerate a wider pH range of 6.5-8.0 and a temperature range of 64-84 degrees Fahrenheit, making them a great choice for beginners or those with less stable aquariums. They also have a more varied color selection than Cardinia shrimp, with popular color morphs like cherry, blue, and yellow.

Overall, the choice between Cardinia shrimp and Neo Cardinia shrimp comes down to your individual aquarium setup and care preferences. Both types of shrimp have their own unique traits and beauty, and with proper care and attention, they can thrive in your aquarium for years to come.

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